Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Just Like That She's a Medical Doctor

We are so proud of our niece Michaela who graduated from St. George’s Medical School with honors! The graduation was Sunday afternoon, June 10th! Congratulations! We love you Dr. Murphy! 🎓❤️👩🏼‍⚕️🍀


  1. Congrats to your niece! That is quite an accomplishment!

  2. How exciting! what an accomplishment!

  3. Congratulations to your niece - wow, that is an achievement! I admire and respect anyone who works so hard to be able to help others - when I had my eye OP two months ago, I appreciated this even more; someone took the time and effort to study how things work in our bodies, and now they were able to help me with something as delicate as the eye. A miracle of sorts!

  4. Good for your niece! Congrats to her!

  5. How exciting! No wonder you’re proud of her...well done indeed. We need more good doctors for sure.

    I’m here looking for a biscuit recipe...will search. 🙂


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